What do you need to know about WRULDs?

Friday, December 13, 2019

What do you need to know about WRULDs?

There are many jobs that require manual handling, repetitive movements, and the need for an employee to work under difficult conditions. Over time these working conditions can lead to a range of physical problems that may hinder someone’s ability to work or even result in disability.

We’re taking a closer look at Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULDs), to explain what they are, what causes them and how to avoid them.

What are WRULDs?

WRULDs refers to a range of conditions including:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - pain, numbness and tingling in the hands and arms
  • Bursitis - Inflammation of the fluids between joints
  • Tendonitis - painful swelling in tendons
  • Dupuytren’s Contracture - tissue growth which pulls the fingers towards the centre of the hands
  • Epicondylitis - pain and weakness in the arms
  • Tenosynovitis - inflammation of the fluid around tendons
  • Peritendinitis crepitans - painful inflammation and swelling in the forearms

These are all types of injury that can affect the neck, shoulders, chest, arms and hands. Each of these conditions hinders movement and can, if left unchecked, potentially lead to permanent disability.

What are the causes of WRULDs?

Work Related Upper Limb Disorders are frequently caused by repetitive movement over a prolonged period of time.

Usually, WRULDs are exacerbated in a number of ways, from:

  • Using the wrong equipment, such as equipment that isn’t the right size or not adjusted for a specific employee.
  • Improper training or not following proper health and safety regulations, including trying to lift items that are too heavy.
  • Not being shown the correct technique for using tools and equipment.

Employers have a responsibility to make sure that employees work in a safe environment and take the appropriate steps to avoid injury. Failure to do this can result in lasting injuries and the potential for an injury claim being made.

Following proper health and safety regulations, including periodic training and risk assessments can help identify and fix any potential issues, such as an unsafe working environment, before they cause an injury.

Industrial Disease Medical Reports at MLA

MLA is an industry leader in Industrial Disease Medical Reporting. We have a highly experienced and dedicated team who possess a deep understanding of industrial diseases and the specific evidence required from medical and liability experts for these cases.

With access to our esteemed expert panel, we find the most suitable expert for your case, providing detailed reports that cover medical history, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment received (and future treatment), and prognosis.

If you’d like to learn more about our Industrial Disease services, please click here.


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