Handled with care: Military PTSD cases

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Handled with care: Military PTSD cases

As sole sponsors of the recent APIL Military Claims Conference 2019, we attended a variety of gripping expert sessions, covering topics such as Non-Freezing Cold Injuries, causation in psychiatric injury and bullying and harassment, and were proud to showcase all the work we do within our Military Claims service.

Today, we’re taking a closer look at Military PTSD and the unique service we provide for these case types. We understand that Military Claims require a sensitive approach, which is why we’re proud to have such a compassionate team here at MLA, all who are dedicated to delivering a bespoke and comprehensive service.

PTSD in the Military

Once returning from service, some military personnel might experience PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). This condition may develop after trauma if a person's nervous system is unable to return to its normal state of balance, leaving those affected unable to move on properly from the event.

Sufferers may have symptoms such as headaches, migraines and fatigue; nightmares and flashbacks; and depression and anxiety, but can also experience some of the following:

  • Persistent re-experiencing of the event
  • Extreme avoidance of things that remind sufferers of the event
  • Emotional numbing of thoughts, feelings, conversations or places associated with the trauma
  • Negative changes in thoughts and mood (can include suicidal thoughts)
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Being on guard constantly, jumpy and emotionally reactive

An outstanding Military Claims service

Military Claims are often a result of catastrophic and life-changing incidents. At MLA, our core focus with such sensitive claims is to ensure the client receives consistent and effective help and correspondence throughout their case.

When partnering with MLA, one of our dedicated Case Handlers remain the sole point of contact throughout and will ensure your client is always well-informed and feels at ease. Your client will receive a personal service ensuring their exact requirements are understood and met.

A psychiatric assessment is required when a psychiatric report is used as evidence in relation to PTSD, anxiety and stress following military trauma. Our team arranges for an examination by an experienced Psychiatrist from our nationwide panel of medical experts, who then gather a detailed report on their condition. All of our experts are highly experienced in these case types and ensure each client has a seamless journey.

Our comprehensive Military Accidents Reports cover a range of injury types. Alongside PTSD, we also provide medical reports for the following types of Military Claims: Military Hearing Loss and Deafness, Non-Freezing Cold Injuries/Cold Foot Injuries/Trench Foot, and Compartment Syndrome.

If you’d like to find out more about our medical reporting services and how we can support your case, please talk to us in confidence today.

Get in touch

If you’d like to speak to us about our medical reporting services and how we can support your case, please contact our expert team today.

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