Cumulative Back Injury: Causes and Claims

Monday, June 24, 2019

Cumulative Back Injury: Causes and Claims

Cumulative back injuries tend to happen over a period of time or as a result of a repetitive injury, a person’s posture or an isolated incident

With the spine being made up of 33 small interlocking bones, it is divided into five parts – the cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, sacral and coccyx. CBI often appears in the upper/middle back – thoracic spine – starting from the ribcage up to the top of the spine and can also affect both arms and hands, resulting in a feeling of numbness or swelling.

Cumulative back injury is also found in the lower back – known as the lumbar spine – creating discomfort from the ribcage down, as well as the top of the legs. Due to the nature of the injury, a slipped disc or twisted muscle often occurs.


How is Cumulative Back Injury Caused?

  • Repetition of Movement

When a task is completed on a daily basis it can cause the neck, shoulder or spine to strain, as well as cause a repetitive strain injury. This type of cumulative back injury commonly occurs in individuals who work in facilities such as warehouses, factories and production lines. The way an individual lifts or performs a movement – as well as the individual’s size and strength – can increase the chances of developing the condition.

  • One-off Incidents

Every employer has a duty of care and must provide appropriate training if a role requires it, safeguarding their employees and themselves. However, not all employers comply, resulting in isolated accidents which could have been avoided. These one-off incidents can happen in any industry, but there are many steps an employer can take to avoid the risk, including providing mechanical assistance, improving working facilities and offering adequate levels of manpower.  

  • Unnatural Posture

Sitting and standing with proper posture is essential to working more efficiently. Back injuries sustained by posture are usually caused when an individual has to work in an unnatural position for long periods of time causing fatigue and strain on a person’s ligaments and muscles.


Choosing MLA as Your Medical Reporting Provider for CBI

Although every job has its risks, back pains in particular are among the most common. This is because they are also common in every day life, so it can become more difficult to prove that they are as a result of a work-related injury.

As the UK’s leading provider of medical reports for industrial disease, Cumulative Back Injury claims fall well within our expertise. We’re experts in industrial disease medical reporting and our dedicated team will assist in gathering the medical evidence necessary to assess the extent of the injury. Our expert panel delivers quality, detailed reports that cover medical history, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment received, future treatment and prognosis.

After instructing MLA for your case, an Orthopaedic Consultant specialising in upper and lower back pain injuries will examine your client and consider whether frequent heavy lifting, prolonged sitting or bad posture at work has resulted in or accelerated a back injury.

For more information or to learn more, please get in touch. 


Get in touch

If you’d like to speak to us about our medical reporting services and how we can support your case, please contact our expert team today.

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