Pleural Thickening: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Monday, August 19, 2019

Pleural Thickening: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

In previous blogs, we explored the causes, symptoms and treatment for Asbestos-Related Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma. Today, we’re taking a closer look at Pleural Thickening which is another condition

How does asbestos exposure cause Pleural Thickening?

Pleural Thickening, also known as Diffuse Pleural Thickening, can be caused by a variety of factors and is common in individuals who have been exposed to asbestos in the workplace. When the asbestos fibres are inhaled through the nose or ingested by the mouth, they can become lodged in the pleura causing thickening and scarring. Pleural Thickening is a latent disease, meaning it may take 10 – 15 years (or more) for symptoms to show after the initial exposure. As the pleura is very sensitive, Diffuse Pleural Thickening can be caused by even the smallest exposure to asbestos.

Symptoms and diagnosis of Pleural Thickening

In the early stages, Pleural Thickening has no symptoms, but as more and more pleural scarring forms around the lungs, it becomes harder for the lungs to fully expand when breathing. As the disease progresses further, sufferers experience chest pain and dyspnea (a shortness of breath) and often experience other symptoms such as painful coughing, chest pain and reduced pulmonary function.

X-Rays are commonly used to diagnose Pleural Thickening, as the condition tends to show up on the scans as an irregular shadow on the pleura, extending over at least 25% of the chest wall. CT scans can also be used to diagnose pleural plaques and asbestosis. As Pleural Thickening and Pleural Mesothelioma Cancer can affect patients at the same time, MRI scans are commonly used to differentiate between the two.

How is Diffuse Pleural Thickening treated?

When it comes to treating Diffuse Pleural Thickening, there is no cure but it can be monitored by regular lung function tests as the condition can lead to Mesothelioma. Usually just the symptoms of Pleural Thickening are treated and sufferers are advised to avoid smoking and to keep active. Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) is also recommended; this consists of a physical exercise programme designed for individuals with lung conditions and provides advice on managing the condition’s symptoms such as shortness of breath.

Why Choose MLA for an Industrial Disease Medical Report

MLA is proud to be the industry’s undisputed leader in Industrial Disease Medical Reports. Our dedicated team is well-versed in the full breath of industrial diseases and knows these particular types of cases require detailed evidence from medical and liability experts – so that’s what we deliver.

With access to our esteemed expert panel, we’ll find the most suitable expert for your case, providing detailed reports that cover medical history, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment received (and future treatment), and prognosis.

If you’d like to learn more about our Industrial Disease services, please click here

Or, if you’d like to learn more about asbestos-related conditions, read our blogs on Mesothelioma and Asbestos-Related Lung Cancer.

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If you’d like to speak to us about our medical reporting services and how we can support your case, please contact our expert team today.

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